Setter Male Shadow Oak Bo Makes History, Wins 114th Running

It’s been 43 years. But it was bound to happen, and it did when Shadow Oak Bo, setter phenom owned by B.G. “Butch” Houston of Nashville, Ga., and Dr. John Dorminy of Fitzgerald, Ga., and handled by Robin Gates, was named winner of the 114th running of the National Championship February 22 when Dr. Rick Carlisle announced the judge’s decision from the front porch of the Ames manor house in Grand Junction, Tenn.

Bo appeared in the fifth brace of the stake on an overcast Wednesday morning, scoring seven perfect finds in his three-hour bid, backing his bracemate three times, and finishing the three-hour marathon heat in commendable form, concluding his performance with his seventh find.

Not since Johnny Crockett claimed the Grand Junction crown in 1970 has a setter prevailed in this stake, but Bo did it in “spades”. His steady, forward ground application for the three hours was impressive, and he punctuated that with commendable bird work, while also adding the finishing touch — backing his bracemate three times.

From the 2014 Report of the National Championship that appeared in the American Field, March 8 issue.

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